October 22, 2024 ()

Join Us

At Congregation Beth Tikvah, we offer something for everyone; deeply meaningful religious services and celebrations, family services and Shabbat dinners, Adult Education and Lunch-and-Learn events with Rabbi Weisblum, Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Chavurah (social club), Yiddish Club, Movies, Bingo and so much more. Many of our in-person ritual services and events also are either live streamed or on Zoom.

Please refer to our High Holiday Guide for a full list of all programs and services.


We have many meaningful and spiritual services that elevate the spirit, enlighten the mind and brings us together. Join us and be inspired.

The Shabbat morning service combines worship and learning in both Hebrew and English with a feeling of fraternity in a sanctuary that creates a sense of intimacy and reverence. The Kiddush that follows the service extends the opportunity to strengthen personal ties. On the last Saturday of each month (October through June) students of our Religious School hold their own special Shabbat Service and then join the main service for the concluding prayers. Additionally, we present an American Sign Language Interpreter during Saturday morning services on the 3rd Saturday of each month and on the last Shabbos service of the month we celebrate anniversaries and birthdays by receiving a joint Alliyah. 

Friday evening services have their own special quality when families and friends join together to welcome the Shabbat. Oneg Shabbat (tea and cake) follows the services. As a congregation we are proud of the fact that many of the groups within our congregation sponsor and lead Friday evening Shabbat Services throughout the year. These services offer another opportunity for the members of these groups to come together for prayer and fellowship.

The Daily Morning and Evening Minyans provide the opportunity to fulfill traditional religious obligations. Besides providing daily prayer services for those who seek it, the minyan ensures that the regular reading of the Torah continues and that the Kaddish can be recited by those in mourning or recalling yahrzeits.

Jewish Festivals and Holidays are celebrated in the synagogue throughout the year and encompass the entire cycle of Jewish Celebration and Commemoration including:

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Passover, Shavuot, Chanukah, Purim, Yom Ha’Atzmaut,  Lag B’omer, Yom Hashoah,  Tu-Bshevat,  Tisha B’Av and  Yom Yerushalayim. We also participate in the Wantagh Clergy Council’s Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service that includes the faithful from different houses of worship.

There are numerous other deeply moving and spiritual services conducted throughout the year. Please refer to our High Holiday Guide for a full list.


The variety and number of groups and events in the synagogue provides each congregational family member a wide choice of opportunities to enjoy the warmth, friendship and support systems that are an integral benefit of congregation membership.

Sisterhood integrates the women of our congregation into a unified group, dedicated to foster the spirit of Judaism, not only in the synagogue, but in our homes as well. Activities include participation in community affairs, holiday workshops and social gatherings.

The Men’s Club cultivates the highest principles of Judaism and supports the furtherance of the Shul vis-à-vis its social, cultural and fundraising events. The Men’s Club fosters friendship and religious spirituality during many of its wonderful programs held throughout the year.

Chavurah (social club) provides an opportunity for members to meet new friends and greet old ones. We strive to plan exciting and varied social activities to appeal to the wide range of our membership.

You do not need to understand Yiddish to participate in the Yiddish Club. Weekly discussions and programs cover a variety of topics related to the Yiddish language.

Juliets is a daytime social program featuring Mah Jongg, canasta and table games that runs weekly in our Social Hall.

We also have various programs, events and dinners through the year where family and friends get together to celebrate, socialize, or support the congregation, community and Israel. Please refer to our High Holiday Guide for a full list.


Congregation Beth Tikvah is a center for Jewish learning. From Adult Education and Hebrew School to monthly Lunch-and-Learns programs. There is always something to pique your interest.

Our CBT Religious School serves children throughout southeast Nassau and parts of Suffolk Counties. Our religious school staff offers Hebrew learning and Jewish culture to our students, and they provide individualized Bar/Bat Mitzvah training.

Lunch-and-Learn with Rabbi Weisblum is one of our most popular events, attracting many congregants who enjoy the interesting topics and the opportunity to participate with thoughts and questions. Featuring a delicious catered dairy lunch.

The CBT Lecture Series started as a way of learning ‘together’ during the pandemic via Zoom lectures and has evolved into a regular congregation program. The lectures cover a wide variety of topics and invite lively, interactive discussions.

Shabbat Breakfast Club meets every Shabbat morning, before Shabbat Services, to enjoy a light breakfast and a lively in-depth discussion of the weekly parsha (Torah reading) using ancient and modern commentaries.

At our annual Shavuathon, we get together to teach and learn from each other, on any aspect of Judaism, from Jewish sports trivia to the ethical treatment of animals to the layout of the Temple.

Throughout the year there are Adult Education programs with Rabbi Weisblum. These cover numerous aspects of Jewish ritual and tradition, to life as a Jew in America and the world.

Please refer to our High Holiday Guide for a full list.


At Congregation Beth Tikvah, we offer something for everyone. With deeply meaningful religious services and celebrations, social groups and events which provides wide choices to enjoy warmth and friendship, and a variety of opportunities to learn about Judaism and our place to the world.

In times of need and in times of joy, Rabbi Weisblum, the Administration and our congregational family strive to provide a warm and welcoming spirit to all who walk through our doors.

If this motivates you to find out more click here to request a call or meeting with our membership vice-president.