December 7, 2024 ()

High Holidays 5785

September 28 - October 25, 2025


Congregants must return the 2024 Membership Renewal and High Holiday Ticket Order Form.

Please read the 2024 High Holiday Services Detail and Membership Guide for full information.

No one will be allowed in to services without a valid ticket.  Please present your ticket to the security guard prior to entering the building.

For any questions regarding tickets please call the Temple Office at: (516) 785-2445

High Holiday Day Services

Times subject to change


Ma’ariv and Havdalah                 Saturday, Sept. 28         7:15 PM              Sanctuary

Congregation Meeting               Saturday, Sept. 28         8:00 PM              Sanctuary

Collation                                        Saturday, Sept. 28         8:45 PM              Ballroom

Selichot Services                          Saturday, Sept. 28         9:00 PM              Sanctuary

Rosh Hashanah

EREV ROSH HASHANAH              Wednesday, Oct. 2        6:30 PM              Ballroom *

Day 1 – MORNING SERVICES      Thursday, Oct. 3            10:00 AM             Ballroom *

    Family Service                                                           11:30 AM            Sanctuary

Day 1 – EVENING SERVICES        Thursday, Oct. 3             7:00 PM              Ballroom *

Day 2 – MORNING SERVICES      Friday, Oct. 4                  10:00 AM            Ballroom *

    Family Service                                                           11:30 AM            Sanctuary

Day 2 – EVENING SERVICES        Friday, Oct. 4                   8:00 PM             Ballroom *

Shabbat Shuvah

         Saturday, Oct. 5              10:00 AM            Sanctuary *


         Sunday, Oct. 6                10:00 AM            Wantagh                                                                                                  Park Boat                                                                                                  Ramp

The entrance to Wantagh Park is on the south side of Merrick Road, just west of Wantagh Parkway. The boat ramp is at the south end of the park.

Kol Nidre

MINCHA                                        Friday, Oct.11                  6:00 PM              Ballroom *

KOL NIDRE                                   Friday, Oct.11                  6:20 PM              Ballroom *

Yom Kippur

MORNING SERVICES                  Saturday, Oct. 12           10:00 AM            Ballroom *

YIZKOR :                                       during services

Family Service                             Saturday, Oct. 12           11:30 AM            Sanctuary

Community Yizkor Service         Saturday, Oct. 12           2:00 PM              Sanctuary

MINCHA                                        Saturday, Oct. 12           4:30 PM              Ballroom *

NE’ILAH                                         Saturday, Oct. 12           5:45 PM              Ballroom *

MA’ARIV / HAVDALLAH               Saturday, Oct. 12           6:59 PM              Ballroom *


EREV SUKKOT                              Wednesday, Oct. 16       6:00 PM              Sanctuary *

Day 1 – MORNING SERVICES    Thursday, Oct.17            10:00 AM            Sanctuary *

Day 1 – EVENING SERVICES      Thursday, Oct.17            6:00 PM              Sanctuary *

Day 2 – MORNING SERVICES    Friday, Oct.18                  10:00 AM            Sanctuary *

Day 2 – EVENING SERVICES      Friday, Oct.18                  8:00 PM              Sanctuary *

    Erev Hoshana Rabbah

Hoshana Rabbah

Shacharit                                     Wednesday, Oct. 23      10:00 AM            Sanctuary *

Mincha / Ma’ariv                                                                  6:00 PM              Sanctuary *

Shemini Atzeret

Shacharit                                    Thursday, Oct. 24            10:00 AM            Sanctuary *

YIZKOR:                                       during services

Erev Simchat Torah – MINCHA / MA’ARIV                          6:00 PM              Sanctuary *

Simchat Torah

Shacharit                                    Friday, October 25           10:00 AM            Sanctuary *

Mincha / Ma’ariv                        Friday, October 25           8:00 PM              Sanctuary *

* Live Streaming will be available for disabled members

Excerpts from the High Holiday & Membership Guide

The High Holy Days are the central part of the Jewish calendar and are much more than just the three days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Starting with the Saturdayth of Elul which precedes Rosh Hashanah through the end of Simchat Torah our calendar is filled with special events and services.


During the Month preceding Rosh Hashanah (beginning of the year), the Shofar is blown each morning as everyone prepares for the Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim). Our Sages tell us: “The thirty days of Elul to what are they compared? To the thirty days of grace, which a court grants a debtor in which to pay his debts and be freed of his creditors.”

Kever Avot

“Graves of the ancestors”. It is customary during this period to visit the cemetery and strengthen one’s ties with the ideals of the faith of our ancestors.

The Shofar

The shofar is made from a hollowed out ram’s horn and is the world’s oldest wind instrument. The sounding or blowing of the shofar is one of the most ancient rites in the Rosh Hashanah ser-vice. The sound of the shofar is primitive and piercing, intended to rouse worshippers from their spiritual slumber and serve as a clarion call to repent and re-connect with our faith, our family and Hashem.

Blown like a trumpet, the shofar is sounded for a total of 100 notes during the morning service on each of the two days of Rosh Hashanah morning services. The blowing of the shofar is divided into three sections: First, the shofar is blown for 30 notes immediately after the reading of the Torah and Haftorah. Next, a second 30 blast blowing occurs during the repetition of the Amidah. Finally, the last 40 blasts are sounded at the conclusion of the service.

Before each sounding of the shofar, a special prayer is recited blessing Hashem for commanding the Jewish people to hear the call of the shofar. After this bracha we stand at rapt attention in silence. During the holiday of Yom Kippur, the shofar is sounded for the final time of the Jewish calendar year. On Yom Kippur the shofar blowing comes at the conclusion of the service, culminating an intense of praying and fasting..

The blowing of the shofar reminds us of the Biblical story of Abraham, the first Jew, and his beloved son Isaac. In the Book of Genesis, Hashem commands Abraham to sacrifice his only son. This test of faith is revealed at the last moment, when Hashem sends an angel to spare Isaac and instruct Abraham to sacrifice a ram instead. Blowing the ram’s horn on Rosh Hashanah recalls the self-sacrifice of both Abraham and his son, Isaac, and reminds us that we too must commit themselves fully to Hashem and to Judaism.