From the Rabbi’s Desk

Vulcans’ Hidden Unity

Posted on July 18, 2024

My day started with my daily routine. I gave myself a motivational talk and got encouraged to get out of bed. I flipped the blanket over my head and refused to get up. As I finally crawled out of bed, it was already 6:00 AM. It was time for my daily exercise. Later, I joined Continue Reading »

Happiness Undoubted

Posted on June 20, 2024

A famous Jewish sage from the 18th century, Rabbi David Altschuler, gives us an insight into the meaning of happiness in his commentary on Proverbs 15, 30. The original text tells us, “The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and a good report makes the bones fat.” The explanation the great sage provides is, Continue Reading »

Tools For Healing and Spiritual Balance

Posted on May 23, 2024

The eager ones breathe a sigh of relief as they are done with their spring cleaning. Aided by a checklist, others hesitate what to keep, donate or simply trash. The progress is slow, our minds are set to value each item. The destiny of our tangible items depends on their monetary or sentimental value of Continue Reading »

Passover – The Night Our Creator Was on the Watch

Posted on April 18, 2024

The upcoming holiday of Passover is a time to reflect on our lives, our strengths, our freedom and more. Jewish people all over the world will celebrate their heroic escape from being slaves to the wicked king, Pharoh. The night before Passover, The Almighty was on the watch, protecting the Israelites and made sure that Continue Reading »

Coveting and its Consequences

Posted on March 8, 2024

There once was a woman of humble means who purchased the cheapest crib she could find for her newborn baby. Right behind her in the store aisle was another woman and her mother, who purchased the most expensive crib and stroller the store had to offer. In her heart, the poor woman was jealous and Continue Reading »

The Power of Words

Posted on February 8, 2024

When I graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2007, I was one of only a few Jews in that year’s matriculating class. The student speaker that day was not Jewish, but what she said was a credit to Jews everywhere. Growing up, she stated, she’d never met a Jewish person, yet she’d been raised to Continue Reading »

When Faith is Stronger than Fear

Posted on January 5, 2024

We currently live in a world that is plagued by fear. Current events both nationally and internationally have us watching and reading about brutally violent occurrences, and the Anti-Semitism that has infiltrated both college campuses and the populace at large have many Jews afraid to display their religion openly. Though caution and pragmatism is certainly Continue Reading »

Hanukkah Greeting 2023

Posted on December 7, 2023

Dear Friends, More than 2,000 years ago, the Jewish people led a revolt against oppressors who forbade them to pray, study the Torah, or observe their religious customs. Led by Judah Maccabee and fueled by their faith, their small army triumphed over tyranny.  Consequently, on Thursday evening, December 7th, Jewish people around the world will Continue Reading »

Money Can be a Blessing or a Curse

Posted on November 27, 2023

The book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), which the Jewish people read during the festival of Sukkot, is seen by many to be a book of contradictions. In actuality, it’s a book that delves deep into the psychology of human behavior and encourages goodness, wisdom, compassion and good sense. The words of Kohelet are read right after Continue Reading »

Effective Communication

Posted on October 12, 2023

Words have the power to be an instrument of peace—or to cut like a knife. There are many incidents in the Bible that illustrate the power of speech to either damage or heal. The serpent in the Garden of Eden causes temptation through speech; Miriam develops leprosy after speaking lashon hara – gossip – about her Continue Reading »