From the Rabbi’s Desk

Rosh Hashanah Message

Posted on September 14, 2023

In just a few days, on the Jewish New Year known as Rosh Hashanah, the blast of the shofar will be heard. The High Holidays are a time that we Jews gather in prayer and concentrate on introspection. They are a time in which we give thanks for the ways we have been blessed and Continue Reading »

Artificial Intelligence and the Jewish Perspective

Posted on August 23, 2023

It’s been a well established fact that human beings are the smartest creatures on earth – so smart, in fact, that they have now created an apparatus that’s just as smart as themselves. Computers that emit artificial intelligence (AI) have been in the works for a few years now, but they have gotten really refined Continue Reading »

Tishah B’Av- Everlasting Lessons from Our Scars

Posted on July 26, 2023

There was once a young woman who fell in a pit while visiting the Judea Valley in Israel. Miraculously, she survived the fall, but needed about 100 stitches to repair her wounds. When asked why she didn’t consider reconstructive surgery, she said she preferred to remain scarred, as a lucid self-reminder that she was living Continue Reading »

Guard your tongue!

Posted on June 29, 2023

When Abraham Lincoln ran for Congress in 1848, he first listened to his opponent, Stephen A. Douglas, who, as the keynote speaker, spoke for nearly 90 minutes. Then it was Lincoln’s turn. He spoke for only one minute, saying simply: “Until now I always suspected that my opponent was a fool. Now, he has confirmed Continue Reading »

What is the Festival of Shavuot?

Posted on May 25, 2023

As over three million people congregated at the foot of Mount Sinai, after forty years of trudging through the desert, the defining moment in Jewish history occurred. Through dust and clouds, The Creator’s voice emanated across the masses and transmitted the ten commandments. With great seriousness, each person who bore witness to this grand mass Continue Reading »

Lag B’Omer – Joy in the Journey

Posted on May 9, 2023

A man sitting on the deck of a boat reaches into his toolbox, pulls out a drill, and proceeds to bore a hole in the hull. Suddenly, the people sitting next to him begin to shout, “Stop! What are you doing?” “I’m drilling a hole,” the man says. “I can do what I want. Why Continue Reading »

The Passover Story

Posted on March 31, 2023

In a short time, during the holiday of Passover, we will celebrate the Exodus of the enslaved Israelites from Egypt. We will retell an enduring story about the Jewish people’s quintessential quest for freedom and redemption. It’s a story that has brought solace and a sense of promise to Jewish communities throughout their history, as Continue Reading »

Behind the Mask of Purim

Posted on March 2, 2023

In a few days, Jewish people around the world will parade through streets and synagogues dressed as the brave Queen Esther and the wise Mordechai. Some will even choose contemporary characters, revealing a wilder, more creative side of themselves. Dressing in costume is exciting. When we change our outward appearance, we feel different; through the Continue Reading »

Finding Warmth This Winter

Posted on January 29, 2023

How do we stay warm in the winter? Comedian Milton Berle, of blessed memory, used to quip that his wife was going to need a new fur coat. Jerry Seinfeld routinely suggests retiring to his parents’ condo in Boca. Yet, we know that the real protection from the raw elements in nature is provided by Continue Reading »

Hanukkah Greeting

Posted on December 18, 2022

Dear Friends, On Sunday evening, December 18th, Jews around the world will come together to light the first candle of Hanukkah, otherwise known as The Festival of Lights. At its heart, this uplifting holiday is about the achievement of justice in the face of overwhelming odds. It is an opportunity to reflect on the triumph Continue Reading »